I've heard of the notion anthropomorphise before, or to ascribe human form or attributes to non-human things.
But this picture seemingly shows the inverse.
That is, non-human things imitating the human form or its attributes.
After looking up the Greek word for nature, "physis," I came up with a term for this interesting phenomenon.
I would like to make this some kind of theme if I discover more evidence of such rare events.
Is that for real?
I found it surfing through Blogger. I did not record the blog or its site address unfortunately, because since I saved the picture I have been wondering myself.
I will say, however, all of the other photos on the blog were real so it lead me to think this one was also real.
I mean this does happen in Nature. Like the old man in the mountain in New Hampshire, which has crumbled into nothing in recent years.
Egdes look a bit too sharp to be un-edted. Nevertheless, the image is real in the sense of being an art work producing real affects.
Even if it was unedited, nature transforms and you wouldn't be able to view that tree from that angle and see the same thing again. The image is all we have and no matter what technique was used to produce that image it refers to nothing but itself and its beauty.
*stealing image*
That's true monki, from whenever the picture was taken, even if it was adulterated by hand force, it won't look the same. But I bet it looks quite intriguing now nonethless. I wish I knew where it was...
This is a very famous artwork by Storm Thorgerson for Pink Floyd.
Faked I'm afraid
Called the "Tree of Half Life"
this is a good case of anthropomorphism, not an example for the reverse of that. It is a human tendency to perceive the outer world and render visual randomness in his own image.
BTW, physis (phusis in Gr.) means Nature understood as birth and growth.
Jan. 16th 2009 Anonymous,
That is the irony and why I have left this post up. For, when I thought the picture might be an edited version of an actual tree, "Physiomorphise" indeed makes sense; however since it is a work of human art - it is exactly a case of anthropomorphism. I am still on the look out for real cases of physiomorphism and will update if I find them.
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